
A Study of Reflection of Student-teachers on Internship Program of B.Ed. Course


An Internship is an integrated component of practice teaching at advance level of teacher education programme. There are certain objectives of internship programme for behavior modification of student teachers with special reference to develop teaching competency and positive attitude towards teaching profession. Investigators studied the reflection of student teacher on the internship programme with the lane of their actual attitude, aptitude with this programme and carried out with conclusion of students all over reflection/ opinion of the internship programme from the major finding. It can infer the present scenario of internship programme and its positive/ negative reflection on the mind of student-teachers.


An internship program is a word connected with Medical science. This is a program, where trained of concerned profession complete their training in a direct or indirect supervision of experts of related field, of course this is very advanced stage of that particular profession. This program has same relevance in teacher education program also, after the completion of all earlier stages of practice teaching. This program has important features with reference to its uniqueness of practice teaching other than earlier stages. This is a stage where student teachers him/her self get permission of practice from school, they own self make a time table for same, in absences of teacher educators they practices lesson, conduct co-curricular activities, follow the instruction of school counselor or subject teachers, collect the copies of all documents which are related with school administration. In short they stay for a short period of time with school as real employee of that school.

According to Rose (2001) ‘this is a program, where student teacher are asking questions and seeking traditions, and beliefs, developing new values and meanings, searching for roles and identity; and attempting to build a practice that is relevant and meaningful from them and their students.’ We can also found its relevance in the statements of (NCFTE, 2010), ‘The school internship is visualized by situating the practice of teaching in the broader context of vision and the role of teacher and sustained engagement with learners and schools.’

The National Policy on Education Review Committee (1990) recommended adoption of the internship model for teacher education involving a brief theoretical orientation followed by a 3 to 5 year period of supervised teaching in a school under mentor teachers.

NCFTE (2010), in its layout of a curriculum, conceives the Curricular Areas of Initial Teacher Preparation as comprising of three broad areas:

  1. Foundations of Education
  2. Curriculum and Pedagogy
  3. School Internship
The proposed program should fulfill the following conditions:
Four days a week for a minimum period of 12-20 weeks including one week of classroom observation of a regular teacher.
Visit to Innovative Centers of Pedagogy and Learning.
Classroom-based Research Projects.

1.5 Rationale of the study

To strengthen India, education system should be strengthened. And its strength depends on its teachers, teacher education which prepares the students teacher for future. For providing real life experience they have not only practice teaching but also internship program to get the actual free experience of real school atmosphere as a being teacher without under observation of the teacher educators. It is of 12 days program. When 12 days from the tight schedule of B.Ed. program are allotted that time its effectiveness of the program should be checked out. It has various objectives such as cultivation of attitude, aptitude as a real teacher in the school environment to deal with students and handling classroom with getting knowledge of whole administrative procedure. All these objectives are really fulfilled or not in internship program? How is the perspectives/ reflection of student teachers towards this program because it is only students teacher whose attitude towards program can fulfilled objective that get vital importance. It is rightly two studies of Rose, A on internship program (2001) majorly conclude that there is a crucial matter to study a reflective and critical thinking of the student teachers with regard to internship program.


2.1 Statement Of The Problem
A study of reflection of student-teachers on internship program of B.Ed. Course

2.2 Population Of The Study
The population of the study was comprised of all the student-teachers of teacher education institution of vadodara district where internship program is practiced.

2.2.1 Sample
The sample of the present study comprise of all the student-teacher of pavi-jetpur taluka, vadodara district.

2.3 Tool
The opinionnaire consist total number of 30 items which 2 items related with the objectives of internship program, 6 items were related with administrative work of school which student-teachers has to observed and collect data during internship program, 2 items in regards to lesson plan for internship program. 8 items were related with practice of teaching during internship program. 5 items were related to attitude of student teachers towards internship program. 2 items were related with their perception about internship program. 5 items were related with their experience regarding internship program.


The data collection process started after the completion of internship program in both the teacher education colleges. Prior permission from the principle of both colleges was taken for administration of tool for the present study. Therein the investigators personally administered tool to the student-teachers of both the colleges.


The collected data were analyzed quantitatively, through frequency count and qualitative through content analysis.


5.1 Objectives Of Internship Program
The analyzed data infers that out of 110 only 30 student-teachers are not clear about the objectives of internship program. It means 27.27 % student-teachers of the total sample have no clear cut idea about the objective of internship program, whereas rest 72.72% student-teachers have clear idea about the objectives of internship program. 80 student-teachers out of 110 are partially or fully clear with objective of internship program.

5.2 Problem Related Administration
It is found that there are 41.81 % student-teachers who faced problem in getting various documents related to school administration.

  • 13.63 % faced to get progress report certificates
  • 30.90 % faced to get General Register
  • 14.54 % faced difficulty to get principal daily book
  • 22.73 % faced difficulty to get Dead stock register
5.3 Reflection Regarding Practice Teaching In Absence Of Supervisor
Administration: 23 student-teachers are clearly mention that they have felt need of supervisor with special reference of approach to school principal. Distributions of class, arrangement of proxy period, guidance for teaching process and maintain discipline.

For the purpose of cross checking of student-teachers weather their performance of stray lesson and block lesson are affected due to fear of supervisor 21 student-teachers said yes they feel fear of supervisor while 25 student-teachers said they get benefited from supervisor because of their helpful nature. 22 student-teachers said due to their freedom they can perform better.

5.4 Lesson Plan
Student-teachers were asked to give their opinion about preparing of lesson plans during B.Ed. course. Out of total number of sample 57 said they didn’t like to prepare lesson plans. 51 student-teachers are in favour of preparing lesson plans. 2 student-teachers were in dilemma whether they like lesson plan or not. For further clarification about their opinion about lesson plan student-teachers were asked another question regarding this there data infers 62 student-teachers have positive view about lesson plan and only 12 have negative view about lesson plan. 6 student-teachers were with the view lesson plans are important and needed but lesson plans are also time consuming. 30 student-teachers were with opinion of that mind there is only need of lesson plan in stray lesson and block lesson there is no need in internship program.

There are some reasons why student-teachers like to prepare lesson plans, which are as follows,

  • Through the lesson plan student-teachers get idea about how to teach the content and how to take support of surroundings to teach particular content and making student’s concept clear about taken content.
  • To improve effectiveness of teaching, making class interesting and alive.
  • To unitization of content and understanding difficulty of content as well importance of content.
  • Time management is major consult while giving lesson at real situation and lesson plan helps a lot in school for managing time of a period.
  • Lesson plan also help to memories flow of teaching points and use of teaching aids.
  • Lesson plans are needed for getting written feedback.
  • To systematize flow of teaching to achieve target of teaching content.
  • For effective teaching of different points of content and when and how to use black board for teaching process.
  • For guidance in using teaching aids, content analysis and time management.
  • To maintain quality of teaching different content such as, English grammar, social science, science.
  • To teach content effectively and getting evaluation of students.
There are some reasons why student-teachers dislike preparing lesson plans, which are as follows,
  • Majority said lesson plans are prepared before going to class and when there is no idea about the level of students than how can effective teaching experience can be provided through lesson plan which prepared
  • Many of the student-teachers who don’t like to prepare lesson plan they said preparing lesson plan is a wasting of time because it is very much time consuming.
  • In preparation of lesson plan there is more rigidity about how to write and no scope for new ideas.
  • Lesson plan will bound in written format and no scope for newer idea while teaching.
  • Due to higher level of lesson plan lower level of students are not benefited.
  • There is homogeneity in framing sentences with special reference to column of students’ activity.
  • There is a common belief that there is lesson plan is only limited with the stage of learning how to teach. Generally school teachers never follow or prepare the lesson plan.
5.5 Classroom Teaching
Out of total sample 11 student-teachers have no need of supervisor during internship program but 99 student-teachers have need of supervisor during internship program. It infers 90 % of student-teachers have need of supervisor (in charge lecturer) rest of 10 % doesn’t feel any need of supervisor (in charge lecturer) during internship program.

About supervision of teacher educators student-teachers have both positive and negative views

Positive views are as follows,
  • Teacher educator will give guidance about teaching method and teaching point.
  • Teacher educator will help in mark out mistakes done by student-teacher during teaching and give suggestions for improvement.
  • Teacher educator will help in disciplinary problems.
  • Teacher educator will share some of their experiences and it will help student-teachers to improve their teaching method and give place to some innovations in preparing teaching aids, teaching techniques use of different student-centered approaches.
Negative views are as follows,
  • Due to supervision of Teacher educator student-teachers felt fear, loss their confidence, forget the content and sequence of lesson, feel pressure situation.
  • Student-teachers have to stick with the lesson plan they cannot make changes in lesson plan while teaching.
  • Student-teachers felt self evaluation have fewer chances when supervisor is observing lesson.
5.6 Observation
62 student-teachers are in favour of Teacher educators’ observation because
  • Teacher educators are aware with gradual performance of student-teacher.
  • Teacher educators give detailed feedback whether it is positive feedback or negative feedback.
  • Teacher educators teach classroom management skill during feedback session.
  • Teacher educators accept explanation in detail and work according to affection approach.
48 student-teachers are in favour of Counselors’ feedback because
  • Counselors are very much aware about school climate, classroom and student of the school.
  • Counselors have rapport with students and they were giving feedback with their experience.
  • When student-teachers were asked to do comparison between counselor and Teacher educator the data infers as follows
  • Counselor give importance to content where as Teacher educator gives important to method of teaching.
  • Counselor focused only on positive feedback but Teacher educator focused on both positive and negative feedback. Negative feedback for improvement in student-teacher.
  • Counselor rarely observe the lesson of student-teacher and also not show more concern about method of teaching but Teacher educator regularly and affectively observe the lesson of student-teacher because they have more concern about improvement of student-teachers.
  • Student-teachers have feared of Teacher educator about their previous negative feedback but from counselor no such fear.
  • Counselor focuses on classroom control but Teacher educator focused on improvement of all used skill, method and media.
  • Counselor approach with focus of learning of student where as Teacher educator focused to prepare a good teacher.
  • Teacher educators were at operational stage where counselors were at real classroom stage.
5.7 All Over Reflection
When student-teachers were asked to give rating internship program out of 10 the data infers as below, Out of total number of sample 104 student-teachers had rated internship program between 7 and 10 and only 6 student-teachers had rated this program less than 7. It shows 94.55 % student-teachers fall in positive polarity in favour of internship program and rest 5.45 % student-teachers felt in negative polarity regarding internship program. Student-teachers who fall in positive polarity they feel this internship program help them in many ways. Some of the ways are as follows,

  • Training for complete teacher
  • Experience of real school situation
  • To learn administrative work
  • Teaching without supervision helps in building self confidence.
Student-teachers who fall in negative polarity they feel this internship program lacking in some ways. Some of the ways are as follows,

  • Teaching without supervision is not effective.
  • Build regularity without teacher educator
  • Co-curricular activity given importance
  • Each and every work cannot possible in short time.
Except 7 student-teachers majority of them have positive attitude towards doing internship program in their choice school. Specially in reference to

  • Familiar atmosphere of school, teacher and administrator.
  • To coping with time, distance and getting permission
  • Co-operation, help, fearless atmosphere
During internship program 65 students have not come across any situation where they felt good relation with teachers and school principal affect their internship program where as 30 students felt good relation with teachers and school principal affects the program.

Student-teachers who felt relation with school teacher and principal affect the internship program they have observation as follows,

In getting administrative data and great support in academic program during internship program.

Some other relaxation are such as, easily get permission about internship program, discipline, attendance, leave during internship program

According to student-teachers they felt change in their behavior due to internship program. Change in their behavior such as, knowledge about different administrative data, build their confidence and perform better due to free atmosphere from the side of supervisor.

Majority of student-teachers felt this internship program is training for complete teacher, experience with real situation and training for administrative work.

Student-teachers can able to get information about different administrative matter they are such as, data about school trust, service book, attendance sheet, daily work book, principal work book, pay slip, promotion rules and regulation.

Extra work allotted to student-teachers during internship program from the respective school are as co-curricular activity, preparing time table, assembly, taking attendance, proxy periods, sports activity, bulletin board work, preparing paper solution, checking of preliminary exam question paper.

Majority of student-teachers accepted that documentation process is helpful to them for future perspective and get familiar with school administration. Administrative documents help to get detail about students, school and growth of both.

95 student-teachers felts stray lesson, block lesson and internship program are different. Only 3 felt all the lessons are equal. Majority of student-teachers have view stray lessons are base of teaching process, block lesson are at higher stage and it is quite different experience from stray lesson and internship program is a total experience in the process of becoming complete teacher.

In opinionnaire student-teachers were asked to give their suggestions for improvement of internship program, the data reviles as follows,

  • Majority of student-teachers had suggested teacher educators must visit the school during internship program
  • In school there must be compulsion on daily note of student-teachers
  • Surprise visit must be taken by teacher educator
  • Teacher educators have to do meeting with school principal and counselors about evaluation of student-teacher and guiding them for future.
  • Detail material should be provided from the college so student-teacher can go with full preparation.
  • Duration of internship program must be suitable for students, teachers, school and student-teachers.
  • Teacher educators have to be in contact with school principals so they can give report about performance of student-teachers.
  • For ease of visit selection of school must be limited.
  • Disciplinary matter like wearing uniform, compulsory attendance must be check.

After analyzing the all data of present study the data reviles few major findings of the study and they are as bellow

  • 27.27 % student-teachers have no clear cut idea about the objective of internship program, whereas rest 72.72% student-teachers have clear idea about the objectives of internship program.
  • 41.81 % student-teachers faced problem in collecting administrative data and 33.64 % student-teachers faced problem in academics.
  • 56.36 % student-teachers are with positive view about lesson plan and 43.63 % student-teachers have negative view about lesson plan.
  • 56.36 % student-teachers are in favour of supervision by teacher educators and 43.63 % student-teachers are not in favour of supervision by teacher educators during internship program.
  • 94.55 % student-teachers had rated internship program between 7 and 10 and only 5.45 % student-teachers had rated internship program less than 7.

The internship program is an integrated part in teacher preparation program. The reflective and critical internship program can provide an effective site for nurturing aspiration of educators, as well as for the continue nurturing of many individuals who are already involved in the education system. Investigators hopefully conclude that more researches in teacher education can enrich the program in the lane of improving procedure or its components. Such study can provide the interval assessment (with stop & watch tendency) to mechanically or traditionally adopted or practices of any program of teacher education.


  1. Rose,A.P.(2001). A Reflective and Critical Internship in Music Education: Issues and Possibilities. In Singh,A.,at al.(ed.).(2001). Teacher Trining: A Reflective Perspective. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers,Disrtibutors.
  2. Rose,A.P.(2001). A Reflective and Critical Internship Program (RCIP Model) and the Quad Relationship. In Singh,A.,at al.(ed.).(2001). Teacher Trining: A Reflective Perspective. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers,Disrtibutors.


Bhatia Meghavi H
Research Scholar
Department of Education (CASE),
Faculty of Education and Psychology,
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda,
E-mail Id: meghi06@gmail.com
M: 9825940239

Thapa Ganga
Government School Teacher,
E-mail Id: gangathapa91@yahoo.co.in

Zala Jayendrasinh
Government School Teacher,
E-mail Id: jay_jbzala@yahoo.co.in

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