
Effect of Planned Programme for Developing Gujarati Reading Speed


"In former days reading was considered to be a relatively simple mechanical skill. Even today this conception is still held by many people who are unfamiliar with the psychology of reading act." "Human being will be human even if all the discoveries of world are destroyed and only reading is preserved." Despite of this much importance of reading a student does not know, “Reading means what ? What should be the reading process like ?” A student is so much puzzled in teacher's clever speech that he can not decide. "What to read ?" "How to read ?" What type of reading to be followed ?" Sometimes students can read the words of Gujarati, Hindi or English scripts but can not understand what the writing means. This is not reading. The researcher has made an humble effort through this research what is the degree of this interpretation capacity and how quickly he reads.

Objectives :

1)To organize a planned programme to develop Gujarati reading speed for students of Std.VIII.
2)To assess the effect of practice of sub-units of planned programme serially on visual perception, reading preparation, punctuation marks, vocabulary, multi-meaning, word recall and discrimination skill on experimental group students in terms of gender.
3)To assess the effect of planned programme for promotion of Gujarati reading speed in terms of gender, group and test of students.

Hypotheses :

1)There will be no significant effect of their gender on the scores obtained by students of experimental group on the sub-component test of visual perception, reading preparation, punctuation marks, vocabulary, multimeaning, discrimination skill and word recall.
2)There will be no significant effect of students’ gender and group on the scores of Gujarati reading speed test.
3)There will be no significant effect of the test on the scores of their Gujarati reading speed test.

Variables :

dependent Variable
Gender : A boy (A1), A Girl (A2)
Group : Experimental (B1), Controlled (B2)
Test : Pre (C1), Post (C2)
Dedependent Variable : Gujarati, reading speed

Population :

School of Ahmedabad run by private trust was selected through purposeful (meaningful) sample method and students of Std. VIII of this school was given mini-intelligence test by J.H.Shah based on vocabulary. And then by couple method two equal groups were formed on the base of scores obtained by students on the test. Any by picking up a chit, one group was named experimental group and the other controlled group. Thus there were total two experimental and two controlled group in the school. No. of boys 52 and No. of girls 52. Total no. of students 104.

Experimental Design :

  Group       Pre-Test Experiment Force Post-Test
Experimental   Programme T1   Planned T2
Controlled  T2 - T2

Tool :

A planned programme was prepared for the development of reading speed for the present research. This programme included -

Visual Perception    -Reading Preparation
Period of reading  -Marks of punctuation
Vocabulary   -Multi-meaning
 Discrimination skill  -Word recall

Findings :

  1. Signficant effect of gener is being seen on the reading speed post test of students of Std.VIII. This means that the reading speed education imparted through palnned programme is more effective on girls.
  2. The average of experimental group was found much more than that of controlled group due to reading speed education imparted through panned programme.
  3. The average of students post-test was higher than the scores obtained at pre-test due to reading speed education imparted through planned programme.
Conclusion :

It was found at the end of experimental that the effect of academic programme prepared by the researcher considering the components (units) had a good effect on students. It leads to improvement in reading skill of students.We have seen this in the reult (implied meaning) of research.


1. John J. Debor & Dallmanni M. (1967). The Teaching of Reading, New York : Holt Rinehart and winston Inc.
2. Betts, Emmett A. (1946). Foundation of Reading Instruction. Americal Book.
3. Edward, A. L. (1996). Experimental Design in Psychological Research. New York : Rinehart and winston, Holt.
4. Lewis, D. G. (1968). Experimental Design in Education. London : University Press.


Amisha Harshalbhai Dave
M.C.B. & K.J.T. B.Ed. College, Sola Bhagwat, Ahmedabad.
Email : amishaansh@yahoo.co.in
Mobile : 9904912165

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