
A study of creativity and adjustment of secondary school students


Creativity is universal and it has an ability to discover new solutions or to produce new ideas. But it is not possible without adjustment. A person should fit, suitable and harmonize with others in the society. Hence, the researcher has taken up the present study to know the relationship between creativity and adjustment. The main objectives of the study are to measure the creativity and adjustment of the secondary school students in terms of sex, and area with their relationship. The survey method of research was used for the present study used with two standardized tests.1 Non-verbal creativity test by Dr. Baqer Mehdi 2 Adjustment test by Dr.K.G.Desai. The researcher has selected 320 students from 6 secondary schools (3 urban and 3 rural) of Vijapur Taluka in Mehsana district. The collected data was analyzed by F-test (ANOVA technique). On the basis of hypoth- eses testing and from the interpretation of it, the major findings of the study was obtain as,
(1) Significant differences do not exist between boys and girls, urban and rural students with regard to their creativity score.
(2) Girls have shown better adjustment as compared to Boys.
(3) Significant differences exist between urban and rural students with regard to their adjustment score.
(4) The urban students have shown better adjustment as compared to rural students.
(5) The positive correlation exists between adjustment and creativity of the urban girls.
(6) Creativity and adjustment are positively correlated.


Society has undergone radical changes enabling man of twentieth century to embark upon ‘nuclear age’ which is marked by the prolific use of polyester for clothing instead of bark, chemical weapons in war in place of dragger and sophisticated flight to go from one place to another in place of bullock cart leaving behind the ‘old stone age’. In the whole process of mutation creativity has played a vital role because of higher order of man’s thinking and communication abilities.

The 21st century is considered as knowledge and technology. There are different new co-curricular activities like drawing, yoga, computer, music, outdoor games, skating, karate, sports are added in the international schools. Along with the formal education, the attempt is done to provide a complete platform for all round development of a child. One of the aims of education is ‘to develop the hidden abilities’. Creativity and adjustment are also hidden abilities which require to develop among the students. The new innovations are based on the powerful thinking and various experiments. There fore creativity and adjustment are necessary.

Significance of the study:

The creativity and adjustment are two important factors in education. They are related with teaching learning process. Creativity is universal and it has an ability to discover new solutions or to produce new ideas inventions and works of arts. One can nourish and utilize their creative abilities in a proper way. One of the aims of education is to create good citizens of the society. But it is not possible without adjustment. A person should fit, suitable, adapt arrange modify, harmonize with others in the society. Hence, the researcher has taken up the present study to know the relationship between creativity and adjustment. Schools have been established by society to realize certain desired goals. The plain fact is that there is a crying need for nurturing creativity in every classroom.

This study may help to know the nature of creativity and adjustment. This may also help the teachers, councilors and administrators to plan and organize the school curriculum for developing creativity and adjustment capacity among the school children. Considering all the above factors the problem has been taken for the present study.

Statement of the Problem:

A study of creativity and adjustment of secondary school students

Objectives of the Study:

  1. To measure the creativity of the secondary school students.
  2. To measure the adjustment of the secondary school students.
  3. To study the creativity in terms of sex of the secondary school students.
  4. To study the creativity in terms of area of the secondary school students.
  5. To study the adjustment in terms of sex of the secondary school students.
  6. To study the adjustment in terms of area of the secondary school students.
  7. To study the relationship between creativity and adjustment of the secondary school students.

Variable of the study:

Table No. 1

Variable of the study




No. of Variable


Tools of Measurement






Based on Primary data






Based on Primary data






Standardized test of Dr. Baqer Mehdi






Standardized test of Dr.K.G.Desai

 Hypothesis of the Study:

  1. There will be no significant difference on creativity between the mean scores of the boys and the girls.
  2. Sex and area of the subjects will not be interacting with each other on their score of creativity.
  3. There will be no significant difference on adjustment between the mean scores of the boys and the girls.
  4. There will be no significant difference on adjustment between the mean scores of the urban and the rural students.
  5. Sex and area of the subjects will not be interacting with each other on their score of adjustment.
  6. There will be no significant difference of correlation between the mean scores of the creativity and adjustment.
Limitations of the Study:

The present investigation has certain limitations. They are as under:

The study had been limited to the students of Gujarati medium schools.
The present study had been limited to the students of standard VIII and IX in the area of Vijapur Taluka in Mehsana district of North Gujarat only.

Type of the Research:

There are so many types of research. The main fields of research are Basic research, Applied research and Action research. The present study was applied type because it can be applied in practical.

In the present study, the data was obtained in form of numbers and statistical techniques were used to analyze data. Thus, the present study was quantitative type.

Field and Method of the Study:

This study was dealt with the secondary education. It was also educational measurement and evaluation type study because here the creativity test and adjustment are measured. Apart from this creativity and adjustment are the psychological terms, so the field of study also touches Educational Psychology. The survey method of research was used for the present study.


The researcher had used two standardized tests. They are as follows:
  • Non-verbal creativity test by Dr. Baqer Mehdi
  • Adjustment test by Dr. K.G. Desai


Population of the present study was all the students studying in standard VIII and IX of Gujarati medium schools of North Gujarat from Vijapur Taluka in Mehsana district. To select the data, random sampling technique was used. The researcher has selected 320 students from 6 secondary schools (3 urban and 3 rural) of Vijapur Taluka in Mehsana district.

Table No. 2

Sample of the study










Std.8         40               40

              40               40            160

Std.9         40               40

              40               40            160

               80               80

              80               80

Total        160             160

             160              160            320

Data Collection and Analysis of Data

  1. Data Collection
  2. In the present study, the creativity test and adjustment test are administered on the respected group of the students. After that the researcher had visited six selected schools and the tests were given to the students. Some necessary instructions were also given before that. By this way the researcher had collected data.

  3. Data Analysis:
  4. The researcher has analyzed and interpreted the received numerical data with the reference to the classification of the table of variables. The descriptive and initial analysis was done for the interpretation of data. The descriptive statistics was used in the present study. The collected data was analyzed by F- test (ANOVA technique).


On the basis of hypotheses testing and from the interpretation of it, following are the results of the study:
  1. Significant differences do not exist between boys and girls with regard to their creativity score.
  2. Significant differences do not exist between urban and rural students with regard to their creativity score.
  3. Sex and area of the students do not interact each other on the creativity score.
  4. Significant differences exist between boys and girls, students with regard to their adjustment score. Girls have shown better adjustment as compared to Boys.
  5. Significant differences exist between urban and rural students with regard to their adjustment score. The urban students have shown better adjustment as compared to rural students.
  6. Sex and area of the students do not interact each other on the adjustment score.
  7. The significant correlation does not exist between adjustment and creativity of the rural girls.
  8. The significant correlation exists between adjustment and creativity of the rural boys.
  9. The positive correlation exists between adjustment and creativity of the urban girls.
  10. The significant correlation does not exist between adjustment and creativity of the urban boys.
  11. Creativity and adjustment are positively correlated.
Suggestions for Further Research

Keeping in view of the study following suggestions are proposed.
  1. Creativity and adjustment can be measured by other new tools or tests.
  2. Creativity and adjustment of people with different type of occupation and its educational need can be studied.
  3. A variable like intelligence, age, home and school environment and curiosity of the students can be studied.

The present time is considered as competitive era. The priority is given to the Excellence. Creativity and adjustment are the strong aspects of education which are very useful for excellence and all round development of the students. The results of the test are delimited to Vijapur (Di.Mehsana North Gujarat) still it can be useful for the students of other areas of Gujarat. The attempt of a researcher will be valid, if the present study is useful for the educational and occupational guidance of the primary and secondary school students.


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Dr. Harishchandrasinh S. Rathod
Assi. Professor,
Sarvoday Cheritable Trust
M.Ed. College, Kakanpur
Di- Godhra
Email: hsrathod33@yahoo.com

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