
A Study of Value Education


Values are essential in education .They abound everywhere in education using values, teacher evaluate students and students evaluate teacher .Society evaluates courses of study, school programs and teaching competence &society itself is evaluated by educators. So before to discuss anything about value education .We must know what is value?

A value is what is desired or what is sought. A value stands for ideas men live for. Values are part and parcel of the philosophy of nation and the education system. Values are the guiding principle of life which is conductive to one’s physical, social and mental health. They are the guiding principles which enable us to make suitable adjustment with our own culture. Values include all important religious beliefs, moral attitudes, philosophies of life; political ideologies which help in sustaining the society and its culture. They also help in pinging about correspondence changes in the society and culture.

Different Methods of Classification of Values
1. Biological value
2. Intrinsic value
3. The Instrumental value
To develop Programme for Developing values are the important some activities.
Key Word : Value Education


Values are essential in education .They abound everywhere in education using values, teacher evaluate students and students evaluate teacher .Society evaluates courses of study, school programs and teaching competence &society itself is evaluated by educators. So before to discuss anything about value education .We must know what is value? Meaning of the Term value

A value is what is desired or what is sought. A value stands for ideas men live for. Values are part and parcel of the philosophy of nation and the education system. Values are the guiding principle of life which is conductive to one’s physical, social and mental health. They are the guiding principles which enable us to make suitable adjustment with our own culture. Values include all important religious beliefs, moral attitudes, philosophies of life; political ideologies which help in sustaining the society and its culture. They also help in pinging about correspondence changes in the society and culture.

Definitions of value

  1. ”To value means primarily to prize, to esteem, to appraise, to estimate, it means the act of cherishing something, holding it dear and also the all of passing judgment upon the nature and amount of values as compared with something else.”- by John Dewey
  2. ”One of the more widely accepted definitions in the social science literature considers values to be conceptions of the desirable, influencing selective behavior.” -Robin M.Villiams
  3. ”In the broader view, anything good or bad is a value.”- Pepper (1958)
  4. ”A value is anything of interest to a human subject.”-Perry (1954)
Concept of value

The general study of values is known as ‘axiology’. It concerns itself with three main questions:
  1. Whether values are subjective or objective.
  2. Whether values are changing or constant.
  3. Whether there are hierarchies of value.
  1. To say that there are objective values is to claim that there are values that exist in their own right regardless of human preference. Such values as goodness, truth and beauty are cosmic realities; they are part of the nature of things. Certain things are objectively true. Certain action and certain qualities are inherently good. Certain things are beautiful in themselves. Education has an objective value; it is worthwhile in itself. To maintain that values are subjective is to claim that they reflect personal preferences. To be valuable is to be valued by someone. Whatever is valuable is so not in itself but because we happen to value it.
  2. Some people argue that there are values that are absolute and eternal. These values are as valid today as they were in the past and they are valid for everyone regardless of race or class. Charity, it is sometimes argued is a good for all man everywhere at all times. Other people maintain that all values are relative to men’s desires. As our desires change, so do the values that express them. Desires, and so values, change in response to new historical conditions, new religions, new finding in science, new development in technology, advance in education, and so forth. These values may be arrived at empirically and tested publicity; they may be the creation of the rational mind; or they may be the result of strong belief.
  3. Just what attitude the thoughtful person takes to values depends on his general philosophy. As I shall show the philosophic idealist mentions that there is a fixed hierarchy of values in which spiritual values are higher than material ones. The idealist ranks religious values high because, he says, the help us realize our ultimate good. The philosophic realist also believes in a hierarchy of values, but he ranks rational and empirical values high because they help us adjust to objective reality, the laws of nature, and the rules of logic. The philosophic pragmatist denies that there is affixed hierarchy of values. For him one activity is likely to be as good as another if it satisfies an urgent need and possesses instrumental value.
Different Methods of Classification of Values

According to Z.K.Sataranjiwallah,”In general, values may be classified into three categories on the basis of its nature, namely, biological value, intrinsic and instrumental value.

  1. Biological value
  2. The slogan of this value is, “Everything that is desired is desirable.”Biological value provides complete freedom and exercise of choice to the child. However, what is desired by the child may not be desirable.

  3. Intrinsic value
  4. Intrinsic values are reflected by idealism. Important intrinsic values are truth, beauty and goodness. They are reflected in individual whether they are liked by others or not.

  5. The Instrumental value
  6. Principle of utility is the guiding factor. Instrumental values are judged on the basis of experience. Such values are the results of the pragmatic experience of human beings.

Values are of various kinds and named according to their specifications

  • Aesthetic values in accordance with arts, dancing, painting,dramatization, music, etc.
  • Spiritual values concerning spirit are opposed to matter.
  • Moral values relating to ethics.
  • Social values concerning society.
Programme for Developing Values of Various kinds

To develop values following are the important activities to be undertaken in this regard:
  1. Community prayer
  2. Health and cleanliness programmes
  3. Socially useful productive programmes
  4. Citizenship training programmes
  5. Celebration of national festivals
  6. Cultural & recreational programmes
  7. Social service programmes
  8. Appropriate teaching learning situations.
  9. Emphasis on the unity of all religions, harmony among communities and national integration.


  1. Albert, Ethel M., and Kluckhohn, clued (1959). A selected Bibliography on Values, Ethics and Esthetics in the Behavioral sciences and philosophy, 1920-1958. Glencoe: Free press.
  2. Allport (1960). A study of values.3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  3. Brandt, Richard B. (1961). Value and obligation: Systematic Reading in Ethics New York: Harcourt.
  4. Kohler, Wolfgang (1938). The place of value in a world of Facts, New York: Liveright.
  5. Morris, Charles W. (1956). Varieties of Human Value. Univ.of Chicago press.
  6. Pepper, Stephen C. (1958). The Sources of Value. Berkeley: Univ.of California press.
  7. Perry, Ralph B. (1954). Realms of Value: A critique of Human Civilization. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ.press.
  8. George F. Kneller. (1987). Foundations of Education, New York.


Dr. Bhavesh H. Ghelani
M.Com., M.Ed.,GSET (Edu.), Ph.D. (Edu.)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education (S.F.) V.N.S.G.U., Surat.
(MO: 9726978150)
E-mail: bhghelani82@gmail.com

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