
Probabilities of Biases in Dissemination of Research


Any kind of research or evaluation dissemination needs to combine three aspects i.e. content, audience, and delivery medium. The importance of structure, precision, clarity, and objectivity of content will be emphasized throughout the research. Dissemination is the final part of the research and evaluation process, and it is equally important for practitioners reporting on the findings of their research to their funder or wider group, i.e. research students submitting their work for assessment to academic boards, or anyone that has to present orally often complex findings in front of audience. Here in this paper the authors have discussed about the various aspects of such as Elements of Dissemination in Research and Probabilities of Biases in Dissemination of Research.
Key Words: Dissemination, Research


Research Dissemination

Research is the formal, systematic application of the scientific method to the study of problems; educational research is the formal, systematic application of the scientific method to the study of educational problems (Gay, 2009). Dissemination is the final part of the research and evaluation process, and it is equally important for practitioners reporting on the findings of their research to their funder or wider group, i.e. research students submitting their work for assessment to academic boards, or anyone that has to present orally often complex findings in front of audience. Any kind of research or evaluation dissemination needs to combine three aspects i.e. content, audience, and delivery medium. The importance of structure, precision, clarity, and objectivity of content will be emphasized throughout the research. The choice of dissemination depends upon its intended audience, that is the need of the society/funding organization and any collaborators, the context of the study, and likely readership or group being reported to.

Elements of Dissemination in Research

In creating dissemination, researchers should consider several questions which are very much important, they are

  • What are the goals and objectives of the dissemination effort? What impact do you hope to have?
  • What to disseminate?
  • Who is affected most by this research? Who would be interested in learning about the study findings? Is this of interest to a broader community?
  • What is the most effective way to reach each audience? What resources does each group typically access?
  • When should each aspect of the dissemination plan occurs (e.g. at which points during the study and afterwards)? Who will be responsible for dissemination activities?
  • What is the method through which dissemination will be done? Is it written or oral?
Probabilities of Biases in Dissemination of Research

a. Reporting bias

It occurs when studies with multiple outcomes report only some of the outcomes measured
This bias is due to the incomplete reporting within published studies. Pocock et al. (1987) found that the median number of reported end points was six per trial. They also discussed selective reporting of results and related issues of subgroup analyses, repeated measurements over time, multiple treatment groups, and multiple tests of significance.

b. Time lag bias

The process of publication is too complex and involves several important aspects. Preparation of research proposal to publication covers so many other aspects like approval, funding, completion of follow-up, submission of manuscripts to a journal, and final publication in peer-reviewed journals. When the speed of publication depends on the direction and strength of the study results, this is referred to as time lag bias.

c. Literature bias

Sometimes findings or the content presented in different reports are different than those presented in journals, workshop, seminars and conferences or any other place.

d. Publication bias

It occurs when the full publication of studies those have been initially presented at conferences or in other informal formats is dependent on the direction and/or strength of their findings.

e. Language bias

Now a day’s English language is given much more importance. Many international journals are published in this language only. This journal has greater impact factor.

f. Citation bias

In published articles, references to other studies are cited for various reasons, for example, to show the importance of a research question, to borrow methods and techniques, or to give positive credit to the material referenced. The chance of a study being cited by others may be associated with many factors like the journal impact factor, nationality of authors, working partnerships, etc. Citation bias occurs when the probability that a study will be cited is associated with the study result. Shadish & et al. (1995) randomly selected one citation from each of 283 articles published in three psychological journals and asked each author about the most important reason for citing the selected references. It was found that citation was most commonly used to support the author’s argument, while study quality was not considered in most cases.

g. Duplicate (multiple) publication

Duplicate, redundant, repetitive or multiple publications are defined as submission of similar manuscripts to more than one journal or the republication of the same data in two or more journals. It has been estimated that 10–25% of the published literature in biomedical sciences represents duplicate or redundant publications. The publications may overlap partially or completely, representing a similar portion or major component of a study, and may share the same hypotheses, methods, results and/or discussion.

h. Place of Publication bias

In this review, this is defined as occurring when the place of publication is associated with the direction or strength of the study findings. For example, studies with positive results may be more likely to be published in widely circulated journals than studies with negative results. The term was originally used to describe the tendency for a journal to be more enthusiastic towards publishing articles about a given hypothesis than other journals, for reasons of editorial policy or readers’ preference.

i. Media Attention bias

Media attention bias occurs when studies with striking results are more likely to be covered by newspapers, radio and television news. The overly optimistic portrayal of the scientific findings to the public affects the public participation in policy discussions and creates unrealistic expectation of the potential benefits of a new scientific development.

Combs and Slovic (1979) found that the coverage by two newspapers in the USA about causes of death was not related to the statistical frequency of their occurrence. The newspaper over emphasized homicides, accidents and disasters, and under reported diseases as causes of death. Violent accidents and homicides make more interesting and exciting stories than diseases.


  • It is the ethical responsibility of the investigator to report all the data of investigation. So reader can bring the whole picture if the investigation.
  • Timing of the publication as well as investigation is also an important factor. So Publisher and investigator should take care about this aspect.
  • Duality in reporting must be avoided.
  • Full publication of studies those have been initially presented at conferences or in other informal formats should not be depended on the direction or strength of their findings.
  • Journal impact factors must be reduced.
  • Investigator as well as publisher has to take care about proper citation. It is ethical responsibility of the investigator to acknowledge original contributor. Quotation and paraphrased material must be properly referenced because the ideas are taken from someone else. Publisher should also take care while they are selecting work for publication.
  • Duplication and repetitive or multiple publications must be avoided. Ensurity must be taken from the author about the originality and if it is being done at that time actions must be taken.
  • Actual findings of the investigation must be presented instead of popular finding.

Dissemination is the final part of the research and evaluation process. There is various form of dissemination: written reports; oral presentations; and representation of research in the media. In each and every form of dissemination there may probability of certain kind of biases. Dissemination of research findings is likely to be a biased process, although the actual impact of such bias is still uncertain, depending on specific circumstances. Therefore, the potential problem of research dissemination bias should be taken into consideration by all who are involved in evidence based decision making.


  1. Best, J. W., & Kahn, J. V. (1993). Research in Education (7th Ed.). New Delhi: Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Gay, L.R., Mills, G.E. & Airasian, P.(2009). Educational Research: competencies for analysis and application, New Jersey: Pearson (9th edition).
  3. Kothari, C. R. (2008). Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques (2nd print), New Delhi, New Age International Publishers.
  4. McCalg, C. & Dahlberg, L. (2010). Practical Research and Evaluation, New Delhi: Sage Publication.
  5. Song, F., Parekh, S., Hooper, L., Loke, Y.K. & et.al. (2010). Dissemination and publication of research findings: an updated review of related biases Health Technology Assessment, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS: UK ,Vol. 14: No. 8,from http://www.hta.ac.uk/fullmono/mon.pdf.
  6. Yale Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA).CARE: Community Alliance for Research and Engagement, Beyond Scientific Publication: Strategies for Disseminating Research Findings.


Payal Bhatia
Asst. Professor,
Shri I. J. Patel M.Ed. Course,
Mogri, Anand
E-mail: payalbht@yahoo.co.in

Brijesh B. Darji
Project Fellow,
The M. S. University of Baroda
E-mail: brijesh.darjee@gmail.com
M- 9427539888

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