


Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or any systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so.

Information Communication Technologies (ICT) can be defined as “electronic means of capturing processing, storing and communicating information. ICT is transforming interactions between people, governments and worldwide. In developing countries, farmers receive updated crop prices and public health officials monitor by sms/mail through text messages. Women are empowered to make decisions and access new opportunities through online information. Entrepreneurs obtain business licenses in a fraction of the standard time by government through web site. And in an increasingly integrated global economy, ICT enables people to access and share knowledge and services around the world.


Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or any systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research (as opposed to basic research) is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do so.

Information Communication Technologies (ICT) can be defined as “electronic means of capturing processing, storing and communicating information. ICT may be computer Hardware, Software and Networks. They also include intermediate technologies like radio and television, literate technologies like books and newspapers and organic technologies based on human body like brain and sound waves”. The term ‘ICT’ is popularly interchanged with the term ‘Information Technology (IT).

ICT is transforming interactions between people, governments and worldwide. In developing countries, farmers receive updated crop prices and public health officials monitor by sms/mail through text messages. Women are empowered to make decisions and access new opportunities through online information. Entrepreneurs obtain business licenses in a fraction of the standard time by government through web site. And in an increasingly integrated global economy, ICT enables people to access and share knowledge and services around the world.

ICT is an integral part of development strategies of both developing and developed countries. It has great potential to bring in the desired social transformations by enhancing access to people, services, information and other technologies. ICT applications can enhance poor people's opportunities by improving their access to markets, health, and education. Furthermore, ICT can empower the poor by expanding the use of government services, and reduce risks by widening access to micro finance. The uses of ICT for development are actively promoted, for economic development, job-creation, rural development and poverty-alleviation.

A study concludes that in a developing economy like India, ICT has development applications in education, governance, environmental monitoring, health, human rights promotion, economic growth and other areas. But Digital divide refers to the problem of the growing technology and/or knowledge gaps between and with countries, placing certain groups of people further in the shadow regions of global information flows. These gaps persist both at the level of access to ICT infrastructure, and in terms of the form of information conveyed and who is able to use, understand and produce the information and knowledge which it’s potentially make accessible Research goal for empowering India, more focus on these three components. 1. People Empowerment 2. Social service delivery 3. Economic Development and Opportunity

People Empowerment

This areas of research that particularly focus on the individual and ICTs, covering topics ranging from income generation opportunities; gender to intellectual property to privacy issues; censorship; local language access; and more.

Gender research : The theme concerns research to gain a more sophisticated understanding of women’s access and usage of ICTs, as well as the magnitude and evolution of the observed gender gap and changing gender relations in areas such as access and patterns of use; ICT literacy, education, and skills; and ICT employment.

Digital commons: This theme will support research on innovative models for the creation and use of content, as well as the production of knowledge-based products such as software. It will also support the development of researchers in this Tran disciplinary area and especially the interests of lawyers, authors, librarians, academics, and artists, as well as entrepreneurs in stimulating the growth of alternative approaches to digital copyright.

Localization. This theme will support research under work to make a difference by offering real solutions to specific problems in accessing ICTs and information and to develop evidence on what localization possibilities are feasible and on the benefits of ICT support of Indian languages

Social service delivery

Social processes in rural regions need to be integrated in a holistic manner with the prevalent governance model to ensure development this theme focuses on the question of whether ICTs have the potential to improve the way social services are delivered, reduce costs, increase transparency, and, facilitate devolution of government services.

Education: Expanding research and education networking, improving the effectiveness of policy interventions, lowering costs and improving access for universities, appropriate technologies and the relationship between access to the internet and research capacity.

Local governance: A little work has been done to adapt emerging e-local governance conceptual and theoretical frameworks as well as methodological approaches to Less Developed Countries. This theme will thus aim to build research capacity and strengthen the quality and significance of applied research on ICT-enabled local governance.

Health: ICTs are a tremendous enabler of healthcare and can have a transformative effect on the health sector. This theme will fund research into the innovative use of ICTs (relevant software, content, and communication with small devices, e.g. mobile phones and PDAs) to improve healthcare in India.

New learning environments and practices: This theme will fund research that contributes to better a understanding of the educational uses of ICTs in the socio-cultural context of India; that produces evidence that can inform the main stakeholders (policy-makers, practitioners, researchers, parents, students, etc.); and that promotes the formulation and implementation of policies and reforms supporting the introduction of ICTs in the educational systems.

Economic Development and Opportunity

Evidence of ICTs’ potential to combat poverty and promote socio-economic growth in developing countries is largely anecdotal. This theme will support research that leads to a better understanding of the linkages between ICTs and socio-economic growth.

Telecommunication and network infrastructure and policy indicators. This theme will fund research into strategic ICT infrastructure development for universal human development. In particular, research to be funded must focus, among other things, on universal access to ICTs and the related policy, legal and regulatory frameworks; on access and affordability of ICTs by poor communities; on across-the-board participation in the ICT sector; on mechanisms to influence ICT policy and regulatory processes; and on indicators for access, use and impacts of ICTs.

Small-scale agriculture. Agriculture and the harvesting of natural resources provides livelihoods for over 70% of the Indian population; access to appropriate information is known to be amongst the single largest determinants of agricultural productivity. This theme will fund research focused on informational resources and innovative ICT applications that can enhance small-scale agriculture. If an applicant has proposals with themes that differ from those outlined above, the selection committee will evaluate and judge the relevance of the research project to the specific country’s needs and priorities on a case-by-case basis.


The main issues are lack of localization of content for rural communities and inadequate participation of rural communities in design of rural ICT initiatives. Only participatory approach can lead to creation of more acceptable and sustainable e-governance projects. The rural projects that are self-sustaining and would lead to socio-economic empowerment of the rural poor. The future directions for researchers, critical policy inputs to technocrats and innovative options for designers of ICT projects. The impact of this inclusive framework could be studied by gauging important governance indicators before and after the implementation of the same. Some of these governance-indicators could be increase in per capita income, health indices, and status of education. Increase in economic production could be assessed by measuring increase in agricultural productivity or rural community groups (including farmers, artisans, and such other communities). The quality of governance in terms eight characteristics of good governance converted to four quantifiable variables viz. Citizen Participation Index, Government Orientation Index, Social Development Index and Economic Development Index.


Dr. Satish Patel
Asst Professor,
Computer Centre
Centre for studies in Rural Management,
Gujarat Vidyapith : Randheja
Dist : Gandhinagar, Gujarat
E-mail : satish@gujaratvidyapith.org
Mobile : 94264 12821

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