
A Study of Adjustment of Hostel and Non-Hostel High School Students


Adjustment plays an important role in human life and it is important to study it. An attempt has been made measure adjustment level of hostel and non-hostel high school students. The sample consisted of 120 high school students- 60 hostel students and 60 non-hostel students. The adjustment level was measured by “Revised Adjustment Inventory”. The result shows that there is significant difference between the emotional adjustment level of hostel and non-hostel high school students. It could be also seen that there is no significant difference between the social adjustment level of hostel and non-hostel high school students.

Keywords: Adjustment, high school students, Hostel students, Non-Hostel students


The base of the success of person’s life is adjustment. Person has to proceed constantly for adjustment. Adjusted person is having balanced personality and good mental health. There are two words in the word ‘adjustment’, sm & yuj. sm = Good and yuj = To organized. Thus good organized behavior is adjustment. Person’s success depends on his/her adjustment. It is the process of continuous interaction and the process of good organization between person and his/ her environment. (Lehner & Cube) Adjustment is a two ways process and it is a development process. It starts and ends with needs and it is universal process. It is self evaluative process. Adjustment is not a compromise. Adjustment is related with changes. There are individual different in adjustments. Person tries to adjust with different fields. Like family, school, vocational, old age adjustment etc. there are very wide fields of adjustment and spread from birth to end of the human being. Some important fields of adjustment are family adjustment, educational adjustment, occupational adjustment, marital adjustment, old age adjustment etc. Hostel students do not get enough support and attachment from their family. Hostel life of adolescent is said to play a crucial role in the social and emotional level of an individual.


Objective of this study is to measure adjustment level of hostel and non-hostel high school students with relation to the gender.


  1. There is no significant difference between the emotional adjustment level of hostel students and non-hostel students.
  2. There is no significant difference between the social adjustment of hostel students and non-hostel students.

Sample consisted of 120 students, 60 hostel and 60 non-hostel students from the hostile and non-hostile area while studding in various school of Patan city of Gujarat state.


To measure social adjustment and emotional adjustment level, ‘Revised adjustment Inventory’ was used. The test was developed by Pramod Kumar in 1995. It consisted of 40 statements and the subject has to give his/her answer in ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. It measures three types of adjustment.
  • Total Adjustment
  • Emotional Adjustment
  • Social Adjustment

As The Method of Half split, the Reliability of This test is 0.88 and as per the Method of Test-Retest it is 0.81 for male and 0.74 for female.


The validity of this is found out with the score of adjustment inventory and it was 0.70.


The sample of 120 high school students of Patan city was selected randomly. There were 60 hostel and 60 non-hostel students in this sample. After giving them proper instruction the test was administrator and obtained data were analyzed.


Emotional Adjustment (Hostel & Hon-hostel students)

Group N Mean SD ‘t’ Level of Significant
Hostel 60 22.05 3.70 11.03 Significant at 0.05 level
Non-hostel 60 13.67 4.58    

Table shows the mean value for 60 hostel and 60 non-hostel are 22.05and 13.67. SD for hostel students is 3.70 and SD for non- hostel students is 4.58. The‘t’ value for hostel and non-hostel students is 11.03 has been found significant at 0.05 level. It shows significant effects of hostel factor on emotional adjustment of high school students. The result does not support hypothesis 1.

Social Adjustment (Hostel & Non Hostel students)

Group N Mean SD ‘t’ Level of Significant
Hostel 60 9.12 1.17 1.82 N.S.
Non-hostel 60 8.72 1.37    

Table shows the mean value for 60 hostel students and 60 non-hostel students are 9.12 and 8.72. SD for hostel students is 1.17 and SD for non- hostel students is 1.37. The‘t’ value for hostel and non-hostel students is 1.82 has been no found significant at 0.05 level. It shows no significant effects of hostel factor on social adjustment of high school students. The result supports hypothesis 1.


  1. There is significant difference between the emotional adjustment of hostel and non- hostel high school students. Non-hostel students are more emotionally adjusted then hostel students.
  2. There is no significant difference between the social adjustment of hostel and non- hostel students. Both the types of students are equally adjusted in their social level.


  1. Atwater E. (1994) “Psychology for living Adjustment Growth and Behavior Today” Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
  2. Duffy K. G. & Atwater E. (2008) “psychology for living Adjustment Growth and Behavior Today” – English Edition. Pearson Education, New Delhi, India.
  3. Kamdar N. (1997) “Vaiyaktik Samayojannu Manovigyan” Parshav Publication Ahmadabad.
  4. Mishra, Shruti and Shukla (2007) “Interaction Effect of Adjustment and Need Achievement upon Creativity”, Journal of All India Association for Educational Research, Vol.- 19,
  5. Yagnik L. R. (2005) “Samayojan Manovigyan” Parshav Publication Ahmadabad.


Goswami Urvi J.
Dept. of Psychology,
Shri & Smt. P.K. Kotawal Arts College, Patan
Email: coolpuneet28@gmail.com

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