
Positivity and Gender


We can say that to accept the reality of life and do ‘’PRUSHARTH”with hopefulness- this is positive thinking. There is difference between hopefulness and expectation. If our goal is not real then this goal does not keep in positive level. There are individual differences in work or goal. And each and every man does not get equal opportunity, each people has different nature personality. If people (male and female) work accordingly to their capability and reality then he never failed. May be speed is slow but progress will be there.

The human environment is so complicated that new and strange Situations are sure to arise negative thinking. Thinking is normal process for all. When obstacles or difficulties interfere with the smooth flow of habits, some slight shift in the series of habits may be all that is necessary. At this condition, new adjustment or new thoughts must be created. Thinking, therefore, is not a unique mental operation differing from all others and superimposed upon them but, on the contrary partakes of the nature of the simpler forms of the behavior.

Today, it is essential for us, to think positively, to think correctly. Since thinking is difficult, so the demands of positive thinking are arising. James Harvey Robinson in his book “MIND IN THE MAKING”(527) writes to more about positive functions.

Correct or positive thinking implies a rich and varied experience out of which tentative answers may come. The curious mind is constantly alert and exploring, seeking material for thought, as a vigorous and healthy body is on the qui vive for nutriment. Such curiosity is the only sure guarantee of the acquisition of the primary facts upon which thinking must be based.

Results are very amazing that each and every person think or react very differently in different situations. The mind of the positive or genius works much the same as the ordinary mind and the same, but the difference appears in the number of suggestions that comes to mind, owing to the varied relationships that are noted between the problem and previous experiences.

Another difference has to do with the speed and facility in which the suggestions or views come. On the whole, abundant and easily flowing suggestions are necessary to good thinking.

The positive personalities appear to depend on a number of qualities, physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral and spiritual. The physical qualities are shown by his health and energy, his appearances, expression and habits.

The emotional qualities are shown by his spirit, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, industry and thrust.

Social qualities include all the things the average man likes in social life. Kindness co-operation adaptability, tolerance, etc.

Moral qualities include reliability, honesty and thoroughness.

Spiritual qualities include the material acts, idealism, love sympathy, forgiveness, respect for god interest in the future and welfare of mankind.

A consideration of what has already been said indicates that it is the resultant of the total forces concerned with the formation of the mind, the heredity together with the personal experience of the individual as shown by his relations towards his follows and their institutions.

The Sadler is also classify personalities in which he mentioned the WELL- BALANCED personality (Positive Personality) .The Jung classified into extroverts, who are the cheerful optimists with a good herd instinct.

Positivity is a multitude of patterns of mental activity which have been partly inherited and partly acquired.

The research showed unusual patterns of brain wave activity during meditation especially during periods of Samadhi or Ecstasy.

Research on the physiological effects of positive thinking reveals decreases B.P., diabetes, heart-beat, migraine, temperature, etc.

In 1954, Maslow also used term Positive psychology in his book “MOTIVATION AND PERSONALITY”.



  1. 30 males and 30 females.
  2. Age. 40 -51 years.
  3. Area- Ahmadabad.




Table 2 indicates of mean score (64), SD (10.865),SE (2.805) and CR(5.987) of male and simultaneously mean score(52),SD (18.506),SE (4.778) and CR (2.849)of female. T score is 2.145(0.05 level) and 2.977(0.01 level).

Result shows that men are very much positive (64 mean) then women (52 mean).This indicates that men are very strong ,they feel positive .Most of the men live happy(may be their family gives satisfaction).In this study most of the males are educated and are earning good, so their mental health become good. A man is too much positive that he cared his wife individuality.

After marriage his wife continued her study, she passed GPSC. Exams and now she wins her target. This type of positive personality create good environment not only at home but outside also. He does not force his wife to go his friends or parents house etc. This openness creates positive, healthy or strong features in society.

Women are not so positive; there is lot of reason for it. Each woman’s family environment is different. They cannot take decisions openly, independly, selfly and automatically. She must ask her husband or her father or her in-laws. She cannot spend money on herself. Lot of restrictions creates negative features in them. The talk about positive, happiness, satisfaction, strongness, health, creativeness are all become humorous.

We can also say that our society is not positive. Our society do moderate environment, in which we feel secure and live happily. Today each and every moment we are all worried, sometimes feel depression, then how we can become happy and think positively. Weak society create weak family structure, staying in this family, people do not feel strongeness (mental and physical, both).

There are lots of reasons in which people think negatively, dissatisfied, unhappiness and do not create new. When people become hopelessness, feel passive, health are ill, then all have physical and mental level down and gradually people feel negative. One or two negative views enhance other negative views.Inshort negative is equal to zero. This negativity attracts several other problems. So first of all, we must change our thinking. We must trust to others, give assurance to others, and give positive responses to others.

Give emphasis on our families systems, thoughts and views. To give positive attitudes to our children.

One study shows that more the people negative then his age. this type of hopelessness people, lives healthy life.(Divya Bhasker, Sunday,24 march 2013).

In short think positive, create positive, spread positivity. POSITIVITY is the main key which keeps us good health and mood.



  1. Beimester(2001), Bad is stronger than good.
  2. Seligman and other (2000), Positive Psychology is the study of how human beings prosper in the face of adversity.
  3. Sheldon and King(2001), Nothing more than Scientific study of ordinary human strength virtues.


Dr. Amita R. Saxena
Psychology Dept.

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