
Importance of Motivation and Emotion in Management

“You can buy a man’s time, you can buy a man’s physical presence at a given place but you cannot buy his enthusiasm, initiative or loyalty. This enthusiasm or willingness to work can be created by motivation only.” - Francis

Abstract ::

Any human activity is always governed by various motives, incentives and drives, both physiological and psychology in nature. The motivation and emotion are important factors affecting performance in management. Emotions often influence motivation hence both are linked and considered together in management performance. The urge and ability to achieve in management is due to motivational states of the individual. Motivation is responsible for selection and preference of individual for specific management activity, duration of training, effort and adequacy of management performance.

Introduction ::

Any human activity is always governed by various motives, incentives and drives, both physiological and psychology in nature. The motivation and emotion are important factors affecting performance in management. Emotions often influence motivation hence both are linked and considered together in management performance. The urge and ability to achieve in management is due to motivational states of the individual. Motivation is responsible for selection and preference of individual for specific management activity, duration of training, effort and adequacy of management performance.

“Motivation is the desire within an individual that stimulates him or her to action.”

“Emotion means to show or intense mental feeling towards the group, to get the job done entrusted to them and the process of getting effective co-operation in the work of organization.”

The Achievement Aspect of Management

The achievement aspect of management includes achievement the predetermined objective, encouragement to the employees, increase efficiency of employees, to earn more profit, increase productivity, retaining control on various business activity learning and inspiration levels. The urge to do one’s best, to surpass one’s self or someone else is part of constant urge for self improvement. Educational, recreative and mental health value of work brings enjoyment for the persons. Frequent achievement of objective in management leads decades to better learning. Similarly, level of aspiration is fulfilled by management’s goals achievement and past experience; it is a highly significant indicator of future performance.

The Pleasure Aspect of Management

Motivation and emotion always brings pleasure due to hedonistic aspect or satisfaction aspect, emotional overtones and outwards focus of attention in management activities. Hedonistic aspect of management in individual brings physical movement and sensuous thrill leading to pleasure. Emotional overtone through management removes dissatisfaction of the employees and adds deaths of feeling in colour life. Outward focus of attention in management brings not only well mental health of employee but also maintain emotional satisfaction.

The Psychological Aspect of Management

As an individual aspect, morale is a mental and emotional condition of zeal, hope, enthusiasm in work towards preconceived goals. As a group characteristic, it is a feeling of team unity, shared feelings and common cause. In management morale grows from worker enduring, suffering and battling together for considerable period of time, in an achievement of business objective and their personal objective also. There is team work, group solidarity with individual integration.

Motivation as an outlet for Aggression

Individual accumulates aggression through occasional or frequent frustrations of daily work or routine life and motivation acts one of the outlet. The cathartic theory mentions that emotional expression tends to decrease aggressive tendencies, circular theory, and present heightened instigation to aggression following as aggressive act.

Management as Competition

Striving for recognition and dominance starts very early in life, competition and rivals satisfy basis needs in the individual and in the race. The field of management yield not only harmless ways to express competitive urges but expression under rules of conduct permitting many desirable outcomes. Success gained by competition foster further attempts, improve self confidence and self-respect. Such competition can satisfy the self actualization needs.

The Reward Aspect of Management

The reward aspect of management includes motives for participation in decision making process, competition, appreciation, Interest in employee’s personal matters, the sense of pride, delegation of responsibilities, incentive for work ship and like behaviour, monetary rewards and other incentives including discipline. A part of the great desire for management comes from achievement of objective and its joyous worker-experience and brings pleasure. Development of business doesn’t depend upon such a great extent as athlete reaches higher scale profit, researcher has reported it’s lacking due to overemphasis on wining as the major objective. Discipline in a management learning situation means guidance in behaviour most conductive to learning and successful performance. Discipline facilitates learning and performance.

The Paradox of Emotion Appeal

Man through the ages, has used motivation as a form of vigorous emotionally toned, physical self-expression. Emotions are sometimes disagreeable and upsetting to the individual. Great fear or great anger isn’t pleasant and many cause actions with unpleasant side effects. Actually, man risks many hazards and danger merely for the thrill of performing in such circumstances as evident in amusement centers in commercial field and business designs exposing a bit fear. A degree of danger and perhaps some fear add attraction to many of business. Much of the controversy over competitive business for businessmen comes from the market that fear that the businessman and worker may be harmed or endangered which otherwise act as an arsenal of augmented strength.

Management and Emotional stimuli

Generally, strong emotion stress has a handicapping effect on both learning and performance of motor skill by the beginner. The beginner tends to learn better with lower level of the stress and his performance under the additional stress isn’t likely to be adjusted and adapted for improvement. At the higher levels of skill performance, when the skills become relatively automatic, increased emotional stimulus tends to improve performance. Add with intense motivation, additional energy and other adaptations, performance at very high emotional arousal converts to superior one. The types of personality one possess also affect his degree of sensitivity to emotional stimuli and stress tolerance of workers. During the training the amount of stress to which they are subjected should be tempered to their stage of learning. However, athlete must learn to tolerate and perform under stress for superior performance, moreover overprotection from stress also retard learning and development. Emotionally stimulating factors in competitive business, getting set for objective achievement, emotions of the spectator at times are helpful in management performance.

Regular basis training and psychology of the workers for personal well being, counseling and clinical approaches in case of personal problems and maladaptive behaviour in individuals identifying processing mechanism for skill development, performance enhancement techniques, group situations leading to productivity, psychometric test for specific purposes, various development programs and enrichment of expression are important theme of modern business psychology.

Management as a means for Lessening Inferiority Felling

Success in management, consequent approval and admiration bring greater group acceptance reducing inferiority feeling in person. Feelings of inferiority drive the individual to strive earnestly for successive in various types of management & business and sometime self is often forgotten in the excitement of the achievement of particular objective or goal. The individual gains a feeling of security in his social group.

Motivation & Management

It is within the control of management to satisfy employee’s needs, so if the management creates such types of opportunities, which may satisfy their needs then the employees shall be motivated to do the work. The management should keep in mind that when the needs of lower level are satisfied, they cease to be a motivating force and perhaps that is why the employees don’t do more work than necessary to remain on the job. If productivity is to be increased, the management should create all chances to justify the needs of higher level. If productivity is to be increased, the management should create all chances to satisfy the needs arising are by one. If enough opportunities are given then and then the employees shall be motivated, their satisfaction shall increase and that will also increase productivity. So, it is the duty of management to know the needs of the employees working at different levels of organization and to give the chances to satisfy their main needs.


It is the basic responsibility and duty of the leadership to achieve and set objectives by making maximum use of available physical and human resources. Extent to which all kinds of resources are put to use depends ultimately on human beings and their behaviour in the organization. A company may have a good planning, an ideal organization and resourceful employees; even no assurance can be given that employees will make maximum use of their abilities for the achievement of set goals. That is why performance despite the fact that they are having experienced and capable manpower. The reason is that the capacity to work and desire to work both are different things. A man may have ability to work but no willingness to work; he may not make maximum use of his abilities. As a result human resources remain under utilized resulting in poor performance and under achievement of targets. Here what is required to make the employees wailing to work? This can be done by motivation & emotion.


  1. Anderson C.A & Deuser, W.E. (1999 {& 2000)- Examining on affective aggression framework, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
  2. Beck, R.C. (2000 & 2001), Motivation; Theories and Principles, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  3. Mahmud, J. (2004). Introduction to Psychology, New Delhi; A.P.H. Publishing car.
  4. Wanger, H.L. (1999 & 2000). The Psychology of Human Motivation, Landon: Routledege.


Dr.Hemandri Tikawala (M.Com; M.Phil; Ph.D)
Assistant Professor
Mr. Mukesh R. Goyani (M.Com; M.Ed; M.Phil; Gset)
Assistant Professor
Mr. Jignesh Vaghela(M.Com; M.Phil)
Assistant Professor
(R.V. Patel & V.L. Shah College of Commerce, Amroli, Saraswati Shikshink Sankul Chhaprabhatha Road Surat)
Contact No 9724847568
E-Mail: Mukeshgoyani@Yahoo.Com

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