
A Study of the Views of Secondary School Teachers and Students About Competitions


There are two opposite opinions about the competitions prevailing in the field of education. Observing these two different types of views and perspectives regarding competition, Researcher thought to check the effect of competitions on students’ personalities, to know students’ and teachers’ views about competitions and finally to compare those views and come to conclusions which can help to channelize the educational system in a proper direction. For the present study, Researcher selected 400 students from standard- 9th and 10th and also selecte150 teachers teaching in standard – 9th and 10th using random sampling technique. To collect the required data an Opinionnaire with two sections, Check List and Rating Scale were constructed by the researcher. The statistical technique of percentages, chi-square test, and t-test were applied for the analyses. Findings of the research revealed that teachers and students; both of them are aware about the importance and need of competition in their life and also aware about the positive and negative effects of them. But there are some points where their views are different.


In education field, there are two opposite opinions about the competitions. Some of the educationists believe that competitions can bring the hidden talent of the students. It can help children to develop healthy attitudes about winning and losing. Children become competitive as they refine and practice skills and develop coordination and cognitive abilities. Competition can encourage growth and push a child to excel. It also raises their expectations and by raising expectations, students feel the need to study more, work harder, learn more in less time. These skills will help them as they go through college and eventually start out in their careers. It is also argued that competition in the classroom is going to help not only students’ mental growth but also prepare them for the real world in time to come.

But there is another perspective to view competition. There are some educationists who believe that activities for young children should be noncompetitive because competition puts much emphasis on being the best. J. Krishnamurti quotes, “Competition exists only when there is comparison, and comparison does not bring about excellence.” When person A is compared to person B, who is clever, bright, assertive, that very comparison destroys. This destruction takes the form of competition, of imitation and conformity to the patterns set by B. This breeds consciously or unconsciously, antagonism, jealousy, anxiety and even fear; and this becomes the condition in which A lives for the rest of his life, always measuring, always comparing psychologically and physically. They also argue if a child can't enjoy each achievement on its own merit, winning may not be a goal worth reaching. Competition can harm a child if it causes physical or emotional injury, or both, shatters the loser. They also argue that it also lowers the need to take care of others. It also creates the attitude of winning at any cost which consequently creates stress. Competitions eventually compare the children. And ego is the by product of this comparison.

Observing these two types of views and perspectives regarding competitions, Researcher thought to check the effect of competitions on students’ personalities, to know students’ and teachers’ views about competitions and finally to compare those views and come to the conclusion which can help to channelize the educational system in a proper direction.

Statement of the Problem

Keeping in mind the introductory notes, the problem chosen by the researcher for the present study was as under :
A Study on the Views of Secondary School Teachers and Students on Competitions


Objectives of the study decide the design and the method of the study. They are very important for the study as they provide the proper direction to the study. The present study had the following objectives:

  • To know students’ views on competitions.
  • To study the positive and negative impacts on the students as a result of competitions.
  • To know students’ thoughts concerning their personalities.
  • To know students’ views regarding personality impact of competitions.
  • To know teachers’ views on competitions.
  • To compare the views of teachers and students regarding competition.
Questions under Study

Researcher explored the following questions under study:
  • What are the views of students on competitions?
  • What positive and negative effects emerge in the students as a result of competitions?
  • What are the pupils’ views concerning their personality development?
  • What are the personality impacts of competitions?
  • What are the views of teachers regarding competitions?
  • What are similarities and dissimilarities in the views of students and teachers regarding competition?
Delimitations of the Study

Delimitations are the boundaries of the study. The study encompasses fairly large area of education. However, considering the constraints on resources, it has to be limited. The limitations of the present study were as under:
Only the Gujarati medium grant in aid schools of Gandevi Taluka was taken as sample.
Students and teachers of Standard – 9th and 10th were selected for the study. The conclusions of the study will not be extended beyond this population sampled.
The opinionnaire and check list for the teachers and students among the many research tools, were used as research tools.

Design of the study

Population and Sample:
The population of the present study included all the students and teachers of secondary schools of Gandevi Taluka . Out of 24 schools, using random sampling technique, 12 schools were selected. From these selected schools 400 students from standard – 9th and 10th and 150 teachers teaching in standard - 9th and 10th were selected as a sample of the study.


A research tool plays a major role in any worthwhile research, as it is the sole factor in determining the sound data and in arriving at perfect conclusions about the study in hand. This ultimately, helps in providing suitable remedial measures to the problem concerned. In the present study, to collect the required data an opinionnaire with two sections, cheque list and a rating scale were constructed by the researcher keeping in mind the various aspects of competitions and its negative and positive effects on students.

Statistical technique:

After the collection of data, the statistical technique of percentage, chi-square test, and t-test were applied for the analysis.


  1. Most of the teachers believe that...

    Each type of competition is helpful for the development of students’ personality.
    Competition leads towards success by increasing confidence in the students.
    Students learn to inspire from the co-learners.
    Students are inspired to work harder because of competitions.
    Competition prepares the students for living life successfully in this competitive age.
    Competitions held in this competitive age can proved to be the door of progress among the students.

  2. Most of the students believe that...

    Each type of competition is helpful for the development of students’ personality.
    Competition leads the students towards success by increasing their confidence.
    Students feel nervous and stressed during the competition time.
    Each student has unique potential. It can’t be compared by the competition.
    The self respect of the student is hurt when unexpected result comes.
    The relationship among students gets strong due to competition.
    Students learn to inspire from the co-learners.
    Students are inspired to work harder because of competitions.
    Competitions held in the competitive age can be proved the door for the progress for students.
    Competition prepares the students for living life successfully in this competitive age.
    If the students fail in the competition, the other activities and study get disturbed.

  3. Both teachers and students believe that...

    Students feel nervous and stressed during the competition time.
    Students try to be winners anyhow due to the lack of healthy competitions.
    Due to competitions, students remain tensed outside the school because of the pressure of parents.
    Competitions held in the competitive age can be proved the door for the progress for students.
    Competition prepares the students for living life successfully in this competitive age.
    Students are inspired to work harder because of competitions.
    If competition is not there, the internal development of students gets to end.
    Students feel frustration or depression when they don’t win in the competition.

  4. Teachers and students differ...

    Each type of competition is helpful for the development of students’ personality.
    Because of competition, the winners feel superiority and losers feel inferiority.
    Competition leads the students towards success by increasing their confidence.
    Competition only compares two participants.
    Each student has unique potential. It can’t be compared by the competition.
    Competition creates discrimination among students.
    You believe that competition is the mother of corruption.
    The self respect of the student is hurt when unexpected result comes.
    The student, who loses in the competition once, takes part in other competition easily.
    The relationship among students gets strong due to competition.
    Students learn to inspire from the co-learners.
    Competition taken negatively can open the door of fall down for the students.
    If the students fail in the competition, the other activities and study get disturbed.
    Due to competition, clever students become cleverer and weak students become weaker.
    Students try to go ahead of others due to competition which, in result, creates jealousy in students Due to competitions, the freedom of playing is grabbed from the students.

  5. Most of the students...

    take part in the competition for the development of personality.
    thought to get the first rank and tried for that.
    consider the competition as a challenge and enjoy it.
    believe that it strengthens the relationship of competitors.
    feel sad when their competitor is ill during exam time and go to see him and pray for him.
    believe that it increases the self-confidence and leads towards success.

Discussion of Findings

From the research findings, it is clear that teachers and students both are aware about the need of the competition in this age. Both of them are aware about the importance of competition in one’s life. But it is also the well-known fact that the competition has two sides- positive and negative. Competitions should be according to the level of the students. The competitions should create sportsman spirit in the students. The students should be made aware about the fact that because of competition, their inner hidden potentials will be brought out and developed. It’s the duty of teachers to see that competition should not create discriminations among students. Healthy competitions should be arranged. Healthy competitions always leads to a better human life.


  1. Best J.W. (1982). Research in Education (4thed.). New Delhi: Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Carter V.Good (Ed.) ,Dictionary of Education. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company.
  3. Edward, W.S.(Ed.) (1967). The Educator’s Encyclopedia. New Jersy: Printice Hall, Inc.
  4. Julia Elliott (Ed.)(2001). Oxford Dictionary. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  5. Ram Nath Sharma (n.d.). Dictionary of Education. Meerut: R.Lall Book Depot.
  6. Remmer (1967). Educational Measurement and Evaluation. New York: Harper and Brothers.
  7. Tiwari ,D.(n.d.) Encyclopedia Dictionary of Education. New Delhi: Crescent Publishing Corporation.


Gayatri R. Patel
Assistant Professor,
Shri Rang Shikshan Mahavidyalaya,
E-mail: patelgayatri7@gmail.com
(M) +919925223774

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