
Need of Resources Sharing and Consortia among University Libraries of Gujarat State


A library is attached to each university to support its teaching research and extension programmes. The primary objective of a university library is to provide sources of information to the teachers and students of the university. The documentary sources generally required are general books, reference books, textbooks, periodicals, theses, reports, standards, patents, pamphlets, A-V materials, etc. A university library is also to cater to the information needs of researchers and help them in the generation of new knowledge. Research work in the university departments is generally confined to a specific topic and the researchers need all information available on the topic of their internet.

The study was conducted on 10 university libraries of Gujarat state. The information regarding the present position of Resources Sharing, collection and shortage of reading material and need of resources sharing was obtained by self-prepared questionnaire. Questionnaire was sent to librarians of the university libraries of Gujarat State. Majority of respondents were of the opinion that there is a dire need of resources sharing and consortia among university libraries of Gujarat State.


A library is attached to each university to support its teaching research and extension programmes. The primary objective of a university library is to provide sources of information to the teachers and students of the university. The documentary sources generally required are general books, reference books, textbooks, periodicals, theses, reports, standards, patents, pamphlets, A-V materials, etc. A university library is also to cater to the information needs of researchers and help them in the generation of new knowledge. Research work in the university departments is generally confined to a specific topic and the researchers need all information available on the topic of their internet.

Objectives of the study:-

  1. To study the present position of resource shairng among university libraries of Gujarat state.
  2. To study the attitude and views of university librarians regarding need of resources sharing among university libraries of Gujarat State.
  3. To study about shortage of reading material and essentiality of resources sharing among university libraries of Gujarat State.
  4. To study ideas of library staff and users about resources shairng among university libraries of Gujarat State.
  5. To make necessary recommendations for resources sharing and consortia among university libraries of Gujarat State.
Research Questionnaire:-

The following research questions were posed in present study:-
  1. Will the staff of various university libraries of Gujarat co-operate in resources sharing?
  2. Whether the technical staff of each library would co-operate with resource sharing?
  3. Whether it would be possible to exchange equipment and reading material among university libraries in practical?

Ten grant-in-aid university libraries were selected. A self-prepared questionnaire was sent to each university librarian. Interview schedule was used when necessary and information (data) was collected from them. Simple percentage was calculated to find their views and position of resources sharing and it was tabulated in tabulated form.

Results, Interpretation & Findings:-

1. Do you know about Resource Sharing?

While asking that they knew about Resource Sharing, all (100%) respondents. University libraries were knowing about Resource sharing.

2. Do you think that Resource sharing is needed in your library?

While asking whether they thought that Resource Sharing is needed in their library, all (100%) respondents gave positive answer that it is needed.

3. Do you think that concept of Information Resource is not understood properly?

While asking rather negatively that concept of Resource Sharing is not understood properly, only 2 (22.22%) respondents told that concept of Resource Sharing is not understood properly.

4. Whether your library is connected (joined) with any other Resource Sharing group?

While asking that whether their library was joined with any other resource sharing group 8 from 9 respondents (88.88%) answered that they were connected with some Resource Sharing group.

5. Do you agree with statement that "No library is able to satisfy and needs of clientele"?

While asking their opinion "No Library is able to satisfy the needs of clientle" 7 from 9 (77.77%) respondents were agree with the asked statement.

6. Whether your library is connected with internet connection?

8 From 9 (88.88%) university libraries were connected with internet connection. Only Janmagar Ayurved University is lagging behind in the use of I.T.

7. Do your library exchange any reading material with other library?

6 From 9 (66.66%) respondents answered that they exchanged reading material with other libraries.

8. Whether your library is connected with your mother (main) institute by LANE connection?

While asking that whether their library was connected with mother institution (i.e. university office) via LANE connection, 7 out of 9 (77.77%) university libraries were connected via LANE connection. Only North Gujarat University, Patan and Ayurved University, Jamnagar were not connected with thier mother institution via LANE connection.

9. Do your library face any shortage of reading material that your library do not have?

4 Out of 9 (44.44%) university libraries, were fasting shortage of reading material.

10. Do you think that resource sharing will save money and expedite research?

6 out of 9 (66.66%) respondents libraries were positive that Resource Sharing would save money and expedite research work.

11. Do you agree with the statement that "In India resource sharing is not developed in true sense"?

While asking opinion about the statement "In India Resource sharing is not developed in true sense", 6 out of 9 (66.66%) respondents shaked their heads positively.

12. Do you think that resource sharing is needed statewide and nationwide?

While asking that Resource sharing was needed statewide and nationwide 8 out of 9 respondents (88.88%) said that it was needed.

13. Whether your library users demand for resource sharing?

All the users of libraries (100%) needed for Resources sharing.

14. What is the position of Bibliographic control in your library?

While asking that-their library was rich in Bibliographic control 5 out of 9 (55.55%) respondents responded positively that they were rich in Bibliographic control.

15. Do your library exchange staff or equipment with other library?

3 out of 9 (33.33%) respondents exchanged staff or equipment with other libraries.

16. No. of regular Network users in your library in a year.

Number of Network users were as follow: more than 100 5 (55.55%), less than hundred 1 (11.11%), Did not answer 3 (33.33%).

17. Are your library is ready to join with consortia of University Libraries?

8 out of 9 (88.88%) university libraries were ready to join with consortia of university libraries

18. Do you take help of INLFIBNET?

8 out of 9 (88.88%) university libraries took help of INFLIBNET.

19. Do you think that joining with library consortia will increase research work?

While asking that whether joining with library consortia would increase research work 8 out of 9 (88.88%) respondents told that definitely it would help increasing research work.

Recommendation and Suggestions:-

From the above analysis, following recommendations and suggestions were immerged.

(A) Resource Sharing
  1. University libraries in Gujarat should make a common platform for resource sharing.
  2. All the participating libraries should come to an agreement on what to share and how to share for their mutual benefit. Every aspect in this regard should be discussed thoroughly and clearly stated for proper functioning of the system.
  3. Each university library should maintain a separate section to attend to the requirements of other libraries.
  4. Each university library should be ready to lend its documents and services if it is not inconvenient to its own clientele.
  5. If they are not in position to lend, at least they must provide a photographic copy of the same to those who are in need of it. There fore, it is ideal to have reprographic equipment in each participating library.
(B) Consortia
  1. With little initiative these can be developed into effective platforms for sharing valuable resources of libraries, both printed and non-printed
  2. Besides resource sharing, these consortia can also take up several activities for the mutual benefit of the participating libraries.
  3. Cooperative collection development among member libraries.
  4. Cooperative processing of information resources acquired through consortium.
  5. Creation of virtual library covering all the e-resources available in member libraries.


Knowledge explosion, on one hand, and the limited resources on the other make it imperative for the libraries to cooperative and share their resources for mutual benefit. Libraries in other parts of the world have realised this reality and are reaping the best fruits of resource sharing. In India it is not so. the failure of library cooperation is due to the lack of confidence among the librarians and lack of willingness among the library authorities. They are concerned more with personal prestige and institutional respect and less with the overall economy of the nation. If the libraries are to serve their users the best, it can only be through resource sharing.


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    Maganbhai H. Desai
    Librarian, Arts College, Vadali

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